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VA Studies - Civil War Research - Topics, Individuals, Events

There are many topics, individuals, and events that pertain to the American Civil War and Virginia's impact on the war.  The following list will help you choose a topic, individual, or event to research.  If there is an additional topic, individual, or event that you would like to pursue, please discuss it with your teacher.  The following list provides the basics that need to be covered and shared with the class.  If you choose another topic, individual, or event, it must somehow be connected to those on the list below.


It is recommended that you challenge yourself as you choose a research topic.  Try not to just write a report on the topic, individual, or event but instead, focus on a unique spin or twist on the subject.  Instead of writing a biography on Robert E. Lee, develop a specific question that you would like to answer about Robert E. Lee. For example, what did Robert E. Lee mean when he said, “It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it.” (statement made during the Battle of Fredericksburg)


Topics, Individuals, Events:


Nat Turner

Harriet Tubman

John Brown

Creation of West Virginia

The First Battle of Bull Run

Battle of Fredericksburg

Stonewall Jackson

Robert E. Lee 

Ulysses S. Grant 

Burning of Richmond

Monitor vs. Merrimack

Surrender at Appomattox

Role of white Virginians, enslaved African Americans, free African Americans, American Indians



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